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Subscribing to the Provost’s Blog

Today’s blog post was sent via an email to invite the Georgetown Community (and the world) to subscribe to the provost’s blog. I write a blog post each week, usually on Wednesdays. You can follow the blog by subscribing to the weekly email containing the text of the week’s blog post by entering your email in the left panel box labeled “SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG VIA EMAIL.”

Find out what issues Georgetown is facing; what initiatives we want to mount to make Georgetown stronger; what new things are happening that you might want to follow more closely.

FAQs on the Provost’s Blog:

I get too many emails already, why should I subscribe to the provost’s blog?

Georgetown, along with all other US universities, is facing unprecedented external forces and opportunities that will stimulate changes in how we achieve our mission. Rising tuition, the desire to expand access to quality higher education, the availability of innovative learning technologies, the need to integrate research experiences into education – all demand new ways of thinking about Georgetown.

Reading the blog allows you to stay in touch with those issues from a Georgetown perspective.

I’m a [student/faculty member/staff member]. Will the blog be at all relevant to my life at Georgetown?

The blog has tackled the topics of how undergraduate education is changing, the innovative teaching and research styles of faculty, and the role of Georgetown in the larger Washington community. All members of the Georgetown community have a stake in its future regardless of their role, and the blog posts reflect that.

No one cares what I think; I can have no input into important decisions facing Georgetown. How can I comment on what the provost says?

Every post in the blog gives you the opportunity to express your opinion on the topic covered in the post. The more readers comment, the more input the Provost’s Office has for decisions it must make.

If I subscribe, do I have a way to unsubscribe?

Every time a blog post is sent out to you by email (usually once a week on Wednesdays), the same email gives you a chance to unsubscribe.

You might want to try it for a while, then make a decision. I welcome your input via comments to the various posts.

3 thoughts on “Subscribing to the Provost’s Blog

  1. I encourage all to sign up for this blog. It is always thoughtful and thought provoking. It addresses issues key to Georgetown’s life and work. It stimulates dynamic discussions about very important topics and encourages all of us to think outside the box. Please if you happen to stop by here, TRY IT YOU’LL LIKE IT! Kudos to Provost Groves.

  2. I enjoy reading the Provost’s blog! I think it’s a great venue to think about what’s going on (micro/macro) and how we can provide our students with the best education to meet their needs and fulfill the mission of this Jesuit university.

    When I consider the course of my career, I most resonate with “No one cares what I think; I can have no input into important decisions facing Georgetown.” It’s amazing how irrelevant I’ve been! I don’t feel that way now.

    I have kidded around that Jesus himself couldn’t get tenure at Georgetown! #1 He was not Ivy. #2 He never published. I think Pope Francis encourages us to follow the great Teacher’s example. We need to figure out what that means for this institution.

    It’s going to look different. It’s going to be complicated. And we must be bold. I appreciate thinking these things through in community. Thank you, Provost Groves.

  3. “No one cares what I think; I can have no input into important decisions facing Georgetown.”

    I choose to put this to the test and offer my input into important decisions facing the Provost.


    Haha, looking forward to seeing you there. And, seriously, nice blog.

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