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The Georgetown Magis Research Prize

It gives me deep pleasure to announce a new faculty award made possible by generous donors — the Georgetown Magis Research Prize, to be awarded annually for the next four years.

The Magis Prize recognizes early-stage Associate Professors of exceptional creativity, who have the potential to make a deep impact in their field of scholarship. It shines a spotlight on outstanding Associate Professors who are notable for remarkable achievements in research.

The Magis Prize is an investment in the candidate’s potential to make future advances.
The Magis Prize aims to permit intensive focus on research and scholarship freed of other duties of the awarded faculty member. Further, it seeks to enhance student participation in advanced research collaborations with extraordinary faculty.

Who is Eligible for the Magis Prize?
Selected winners must be tenured within the last 3 years, have an outstanding scholarly record of significant accomplishments, and propose an unusually creative project to tackle a problem or challenge of importance to society today.

All Associate Professors in the College of Arts & Sciences, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Walsh School of Foreign Service, the McDonough School of Business, the McCourt School of Public Policy, the Earth Commons Institute, the School of Nursing, and the School of Health, tenured within the last 3 years, are eligible for the Magis Prize.

In each of the four years, three Magis Prize winners will be announced in the summer and will reveal their research plans in a presentation for faculty, followed by a reception held in the following Fall semester.

Nature of the Award
The award consists of a $100,000 innovation fund for each awardee that can be used for any expense that will enhance the research and scholarship of the Georgetown faculty recipient, to be expended in a three year period, and a two-semester release from all teaching responsibilities to be taken during the three-year period. The awardee is expected to engage student research assistants to facilitate their research.

Responsibilities of the Magis Prize Recipient
In each of the three years of the Magis Prize, the awardee will present a progress report on the work funded by the prize. In the last years of the prize, the awardee will meet with Georgetown’s Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS) instructional design teams to consider how to incorporate the innovations created over the term of the prize into the Georgetown curriculum. When the research facilitated by the Magis Prize has reached an appropriate level of completion, the awardee will deliver a university-wide lecture reviewing the research products All publications resulting from the prize will cite the support of the Magis Prize for the research product

Details of the selection process will be forthcoming in the coming days. A webpage and formal announcement sent to faculty will launch the process.

The Magis Prize is another way that Georgetown is seeking to support faculty in creating new ideas, deepening human understanding, and pushing the boundaries of knowledge. It is yet another way to give students an opportunity to work with the most productive faculty at Georgetown.

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